Rhinoplasty, Will it Hurt?
Does rhinoplasty hurt before, during or after surgery? Many people want or need rhinoplasty, but that’s one question most people have. As with most surgical procedures, there is potential for some pain following the procedure, which Dr. Peter Abramson will help you manage. You may be bruised and swollen, and your nose will most likely be packed with gauze. Once the packing is removed the level of discomfort is largely decreased.
And for most patients, the post surgery discoloration and swelling looks worse than it actually feels. After the initial post-op edema subsides, which is relatively quickly, some swelling may persist over the next several months,several months, so the ultimate result may not be evident.

Since all patients are different, the degree of pain experienced and the extent of post-op swelling and bruising really depends on each individual’s personal pain threshold and healing speed. As well, the extensiveness of the surgery and whether it is an open or closed procedure will contribute to the duration of the recovery process.
However, does rhinoplasty hurt during the procedure at our own surgery center? You can count on the skill and expertise of double board-certified surgeon Dr. Peter J. Abramson to perform the procedure with a minimum of discomfort in our surgical center.

Factors that Lead to Nose Surgery Satisfaction
Still, facial plastic surgeons report a high satisfaction rate among their patients and it all centers around the first, all-important consultation with the patient. It is far more than a routine “meet-and-greet” rap session. It’s the essential starting point whereby Dr. Abramson is able to determine exactly what the patient wants and the patient can understand what the doctor can deliver. Once a mutual understanding and practical guidelines are set, it makes for a happy and trusting relationship between doctor and patient.
When Dr. Abramson is fully aware of the patient’s reasons for being in his office, he is then able to get a reliable sense of the patient’s short- and long-term goals. That, in and of itself, is essential to patient satisfaction. The patient’s goals, however, must be reasonable and both practical and efficacious – yielding the intended or desired results. Otherwise, the patient becomes a good candidate for a surgical do-over. Dr. Abramson sees many patients from other doctors who are not happy with their results. He is one of the most renown surgeons in the country for revision rhinoplasty.
Abramson Facial Plastic Surgery & Rejuvenation Center uses innovative, state-of-the-art techniques and instruments to perform rhinoplasty and other aesthetic procedures for patients throughout the Metro Atlanta, GA area as well as throughout the United States and abroad. Call (404) 297-1789 today to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Abramson to determine if rhinoplasty is right for you.