Nasal SurgeryNasal surgery, also known as rhinoplasty, is a procedure that involves reshaping the nose to improve its appearance or function. It is one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the world, with thousands of people undergoing the procedure each year. However, before making the decision to undergo nasal surgery, it is crucial to understand the process and expected outcomes. This ultimate guide to nasal surgery provides you with everything you need to know before having rhinoplasty, including the types of nasal surgery available, preparation for the procedure, and what you can expect during recovery.

Types of Nasal Surgery

When it comes to nasal surgery, there are several types of procedures available, each with its own specific purpose. Here are the most common types of nasal surgery:
1. Cosmetic Rhinoplasty – This type of surgery is done to improve the nose’s appearance. The procedure may involve reducing or increasing the nasal size, changing the shape of the nose’s tip, narrowing nostril width, or straightening the bridge of the nose. Peter Abramson, M.D. is double board-certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology and the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
2. Functional Rhinoplasty – This type of surgery is done to address breathing problems caused by nasal deformities, such as a deviated septum or enlarged turbinates. Functional rhinoplasty aims to improve the airflow through the nose and alleviate symptoms like snoring or sleep apnea. Dr. Peter Abramson is board certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology
3. Revision Rhinoplasty – Also known as secondary rhinoplasty, this procedure is done to correct mistakes or complications resulting from a previous nasal surgery. It may involve fixing a crooked nose, removing excess scar tissue, or addressing any breathing issues. Doctors from all over the country recommend Dr. Abramson to their patients if they are in need of revision surgery.
4. Ethnic Rhinoplasty – This procedure is done to improve the appearance of noses that reflect certain ethnic traits, like a wide or flat nose bridge. The goal is to enhance the nose’s appearance while preserving the patient’s ethnic identity.
It’s important to note that not all types of rhinoplasty are suitable for everyone. Dr. Abramson will evaluate your individual case and make recommendations based on your unique needs and goals.

Benefits of Nasal Surgery

1. Improved Appearance – One of the most significant benefits of undergoing nasal surgery is the improved appearance of the nose, which can increase self-confidence and boost self-esteem.
2. Better Breathing – Many individuals experience breathing difficulties due to nasal deformities like a deviated septum. Nasal surgery can help improve airflow through the nostrils, alleviating symptoms like snoring and sleep apnea.
3. Correction of Previous Surgical Mistakes – Revision rhinoplasty can correct previous nasal surgery complications, improving both the appearance and function of the nose.
4. Relief from Chronic Sinusitis – Rhinoplasty can be combined with a sinus surgery to correct any underlying issues that may be causing chronic sinusitis. Sinusitis can cause discomfort, pressure, and pain in the face and head, which rhinoplasty can alleviate.
5. Improved Sense of Smell – Nasal surgery can also help improve the sense of smell by removing any blockages or obstructions that prevent airflow and the sense of smell.
6. Enhanced Facial Harmony – Rhinoplasty can improve the overall facial harmony by creating a more balanced nose that complements the other facial features.
7. Corrective Benefits – Nasal surgery can help correct birth defects, injuries, and other types of damage to the nose. It can also help improve the proportion and symmetry of the nose and create a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.
8. Long-Term Results – Nasal surgery provides long-term results, often lasting a lifetime, allowing individuals to enjoy the benefits of an improved appearance and better respiratory function for many years.
9. Increased Confidence – When an individual is not satisfied with their appearance or has functional issues with their nose, it can negatively impact their confidence. Nasal surgery can address these concerns, improving overall confidence and quality of life.
10. Customizable Results – Nasal surgery can be customized to the individual’s specific needs, goals, and preferences, ensuring the best possible outcome. Dr. Abramson can work with the patient to achieve the desired results, whether that is a subtle correction or a more dramatic change.
Ultimately, the decision to undergo nasal surgery should be made after careful consideration of the risks and benefits involved. Dr. Abramson is an experienced nasal surgeon who can evaluate your case and guide you through the surgical process. By doing so, patients can achieve the results they desire while minimizing any potential risks and complications.