Does Rhinoplasty Hurt?

Does Rhinoplasty HurtThis is one of the most common questions that Dr. Peter Abramson hears, “Is it going to hurt?” If you are considering Rhinoplasty, in order to improve the appearance of your nose, you probably have many questions concerning the procedure and the recovery period.

The rhinoplasty procedure itself does not hurt nor will it hurt during recovery. Dr. Abramson’s says that many of his patients will only take one prescribed pain pill and some will take none! However, he does say that it can be uncomfortable since the nose is stopped up for several days immediately after the surgery with packing, and then can remain stopped up after the packing is removed for several more days. Patients will describe it as being uncomfortable for the first two days and by day three they start feeling better. Pain is not usually a major factor in going through a rhinoplasty procedure, just discomfort in terms of not being able to breathe like you normally do.

In any form of Rhinoplasty (‘nose job’) you will have some degree of swelling and bruising after the operation. The extent of the trauma to the tissue operated on will depend partly on your own natural pace of healing; however, it can be aided by following the advice and post-operative care instructions given by Dr. Abramson and his staff.

The procedure is performed on one day and the dressing stays on for about 5 days and then the patient returns to the office and the dressing is removed. This is a painless part of the procedure. Then the nose is cleaned out and an explanation of how to take care of any crusting that may occur during the immediate post op phase over the next week or so is carefully explained by Dr. Abramson and his staff. The only other treatment at home is the night after and maybe 2 days later, some ice pads over the eyes is all that is necessary.

Obviously, in every operation there is some discomfort but, for the most part rhinoplasty is not a painful procedure. That is why it is vital that you pay close attention to the instructions you are given prior to the procedure from the staff at Facial Plastic Surgery Center.

Dr. Peter Abramson has performed thousands of rhinoplasty procedures for teenagers’ and adults. As an otolaryngologist, it’s his specialty to not only improve the looks of the nose but to make it function well. Dr. Abramson has his own state-of-the-art, AAAHC accredited surgical facility located at his office in Atlanta, GA. He performs most all of his rhinoplasty surgeries here.

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